IPN-Dharma IA Lab

    IPN-Dharma IA Lab

    Es una iniciativa de Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial del CIC del IPN con la colaboración de DHARMA para motivar a investigadores, profesores y estudiantes a aprovechar los cursos, recursos y herramientas de las principales plataformas tecnológicas de la industria en las áreas de Aprendizaje Automático, Ciencia de Datos, Computación en la Nube, Inteligencia Artificial e Internet de las Cosas con el propósito de generar una experiencia práctica a través de un modelo de aprendizaje entre pares y por objetivos.

    Nivel 2: Conocimiento Contextual

    Explore Natural Language Processing

    Natural language processing supports applications that can see, hear, speak with, and understand users. Using text analytics, translation, and language understanding services, Microsoft Azure makes it easy to build applications that support natural language.

    Cursos en este programa

    1) Analyze Text with the Text Analytics Service

    The Text Analytics service is a cloud-based service that provides advanced natural language processing over raw text for sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, named entity recognition, and language detection.

    Learning objectives:
    • Learn how to use the Text Analytics service for text analysis.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    2) Recognize and Synthesize Speech

    Learn how to recognize and synthesize speech by using Azure Cognitive Services.

    Learning objectives:
    • Learn about speech recognition and synthesis.
    • Learn how to use the Speech cognitive service in Azure.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    3) Translate Text and Speech

    Automated translation capabilities in an AI solution enables closer collaboration by removing language barriers.

    Learning objectives:
    • After completing this module, you will be able to perform text and speech translation using Azure Cognitive Services.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    4) Create a Language Model with Language Understanding

    In this module, we'll introduce you to the Language Understanding service, and show how to create applications that understand language.

    Learning objectives:
    • Learn what Language Understanding is.
    • Learn about key features, such as intents and utterances.
    • Build and publish a natural-language machine-learning model.

    Esfuerzo  Esfuerzo estimado 1 hora

    Idioma  Idioma inglés

    Link  Microsoft Learn

    © 2021 | Laboratorio de Microtecnología y Sistemas Embebidos | Centro de Investigación en Computación | Instituto Politécnico Nacional